To protect the Dutch polders against flooding, more than 2500 km of dikes h
ave been constructed. Due to settlement, subsoil consolidation, and relativ
e sea-level rise, these dikes slowly sink "away into the sea" and should th
erefore be heightened regularly (at present, every 50 years). In this respe
ct, one is interested in safe and cost-optimal dike heightenings for which
the sum of the initial cost of investment and the future (discounted) cost
of maintenance is minimal.
For optimization purposes, a maintenance model has been developed for dikes
subject to uncertain crest-level decline. On the basis of engineering know
ledge, crest-level decline has been modeled as a monotone stochastic proces
s with expected decline being either linear or nonlinear (i.e., linear afte
r transformation) in time. For both models and for a particular unit time,
the increments are distributed according to mixtures of exponentials.
In a case study, the maintenance decision model has been applied to the pro
blem of heightening the Dutch "Oostmoiendijk."