Solutions are presented for the orientation and flow of a positive nematic
liquid crystal near a corner between two planes on which a variety of bound
ary conditions may be imposed.
The flow near the corner is induced by a general motion at a large distance
from the corner, which can make the flow symmetric or antisymmetric with r
espect to the bisector of the angle. The real situation may be a combinatio
n of both.
The viscosity, usually a damping mechanism, may be responsible for the gene
ration of a geometrical progression of eddies. The smaller the angle betwee
n plates, the more probable the existence of eddies. The critical wedge ang
le for the appearance of eddies is also investigated.
The conditions considered are rigid walls and no-slip conditions at the bou
ndaries, which have been treated in order to get a perfect alignment of the
directors. For the two specific examples analysed, PAA near 125 degrees C
and MBBA near 25 degrees C, eddies only appear in MBBA for an angle between
plates smaller than 60 degrees, when the flow induced near the corner is a
ntisymmetric with respect to the bisector of the plates. In this case, the
flow near the corner consists of a sequence of eddies whose size and intens
ity fall off in geometric progression with a ratio depending only on the an
gle between plates.
PAA and MBBA present this qualitative change in behaviour because the visco
sity coefficients are much smaller in magnitude in PAA than in MBBA. We con
struct a nematic liquid crystal with Leslie coefficients, which vary monoto
nically between the two sets of coefficients for PAA and MBBA. Writing the
six viscosity coefficients as mu(i) = x mu(i)(P) + (1 - x)mu(i)(M), with i
= 1, 6, where the superscript 'M' is for MBBA and 'P' is for PAA, we find t
hat the critical wedge angle at which eddies would appear (in antisymmetric
flow) decreases as x increases from zero to one. The critical wedge angle
is zero for x > 0.974 approximately, so no eddies exist in these cases.