Objective: This pilot study was conducted to clinically evaluate 2 differen
t concentrations of sodium hypochlorite for the control of dental unit biof
ilms and to evaluate the efficacy of pasteurizing dental treatment water fo
r patient care. Method and materials: Two dental units with no prior chemic
al treatment were retrofitted with self-contained water systems for this st
udy. One dental unit was treated with 5,000 ppm of sodium hypochlorite and
the other with 1,500 ppm. Treatment consisted of a 10-minute contact with t
he dental unit water lines, followed by a flush with a buffer solution. A p
asteurizer was equipped with autoclavable spigots to provide dental treatme
nt water. Heterotrophic Plate Count Samplers (Millipore) water sampler kits
were used to quantify microbial contamination as absolute colony-forming u
nits per millimeter. Scanning electron micrographs were taken of water line
lumens to compare pretreatment and posttreatment biofilms. Results: Pasteu
rized water was significantly less contaminated than was tap water. No sign
ificant difference in contamination was found between the 5,000 ppm and 1,5
00 ppm treatment chairs, either in the reservoir water or effluent water. S
canning electron micrographs demonstrated removal of the biofilms after sod
ium hypochlorite treatments, regardless of the concentration used. Conclusi
on: There was no significant difference between the abilities of 5,000- and
1,500-ppm concentrations of sodium hypochlorite to control contamination o
f dental treatment water and biofilms, Pasteurization of tap water can redu
ce contamination; this water can be used as acceptable dental treatment wat
er (< 200 CFU/mL).