We have developed a miniature radio receiver designed to operate as a relat
ive ionospheric opacity meter (riometer). This project was funded by NASA a
s an enabling technology for future planetary radio science missions. We so
ught to reduce the instrument's size, mass, and power so that it would be p
ractical for a Mars lander or rover mission. A recent study by our group in
dicates that a riometer might work well on Mars and offers a potentially ri
ch science return. The technology also has immediate terrestrial applicatio
ns. For example, the University of Maryland operates a chain of imaging rio
meters at the Automatic Geophysical Observatories (AGOs) in Antarctica. Our
riometer includes features that are desirable for extended autonomous oper
ation such as those with AGOs: low power consumption, wide dynamic range an
d linearity, computer command and data interface, and the ability to be rem
otely reconfigured. The receiver design provides significant improvements o
ver previous implementations used in riometers. The high degree of system l
inearity, combined with a digital feedback loop (including a low-duty calib
ration cycle), allows more time for viewing the radio sky. We implemented s
everal of the receiver subsystems in a field-programmable gate array, inclu
ding the receiver detector, the control logic, and the data acquisition and
processing blocks. Considerable efforts were made to eliminate or minimize
RF noise and spurious emissions generated by the receiver's digital circui
try. Results of laboratory and field tests are presented and discussed.