In cross-sectional studies, to quantify the association between a risk fact
or and a disease (possibly adjusted for confounders), in the framework of r
ite multiplicative model, the more obvious effect measure is a prevalence r
ate ratio with an associated confidence interval. The validity of this conf
idence interval requires an unbiased estimator and an appropriate estimate
of the variance. In numerous epidemiological studies however, routine use i
s made of odds ratios and logistic regression. As the odds ratio per se is
difficult to understand prevalence odds ratios are often interpreted as pre
valence rate ratios. But this latter approximation is valid only under the
rare disease assumption. Moreover, in the logistic regression model, the va
riance of the estimates is based on the assumption of binomial variability,
which is not always supported by the data, in the frequent case of overdis
persion, this leads to under-estimation of the type I error rate. Yet, with
in the generalized linear model, it is easy to choose a link function other
than the logit. For example, the log link (log-binomial model) is appropri
ate to directly estimate adjusted prevalence rate ratios. In case of overdi
spersion, it is also possible to achieve a better fit of the model, either
by choosing another distribution in the exponential family or by estimating
a dispersion parameter for the binomial distribution. Thus, there are no v
alid reasons for the systematic choice of odds ratio and of the logistic re
gression model to estimate prevalence rate ratios, unless the type of study
imperatively requires their use.