In an era of 'medical care delivery systems', there is an increasing need f
or the patient's voice to be heard, for it to be invited, listened to, and
taken seriously. This challenge is particularly evident in geriatrics educa
tion, a domain of clinical training in which educators and clinicians alike
must struggle to overcome adverse attitudes towards the elderly ('ageism')
. In this paper we introduce a 'Council of Elders' as an educational innova
tion in which we invited community elders to function as our 'Senior Facult
y', to whom medical residents present their challenging and heartfelt dilem
mas in caring for elder patients. In the conversations that ensue, the elde
rs come to function not simply as teachers, but collaborators in a process
in which doctors, researchers, and elders together create a community of re
sources, capable of identifying novel ways to overcome health-related diffi
culties which might not have been apparent to either group separately. Usin
g the first meeting of the Council as an exemplar, we describe and discuss
the special nature of such meetings and also the special preparations requi
red to build a dialogic relationship between participants from very differe
nt worlds - different generations, different cultures (including the profes
sional culture and the world of lived experience). Meetings with the counci
l have become a required part of the primary care residency program - a Ver
y different kind of 'challenging case conference' in which moral dilemmas c
an be presented, discussed and reflected upon. It is not so much that elder
s give good advice in their responses - although they often do - as that th
ey provide life world and value orientation as young residents gain a bette
r sense of the elder's experience and what matters most to them. This proje
ct has been particularly worthwhile in addressing the problem of ageism - a
way to render visible stereotypes and adverse physician values, with impli
cations for decision-making with the patient, not for the patient. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.