Reaction of oxidation of o-dianisidine (o-D) with H2O2 which is widely used
in catalytic methods of analysis in solution has been conducted on silica
plates for thin-layer chromatography. The rate of the reaction catalyzed by
model compounds (p-toluenesulphonyl chloride, methyl benzoate, benzoic aci
d, and acrylamide) is noticeably higher on silica than in solution in compa
rable conditions. The degree of acceleration varies depending on the cataly
st and is more pronounced at its lower concentrations. By use of p-toluenes
ulphonyl chloride determination as an example it has been shown that the ac
celerating effect of silica enables to decrease the detection limit down to
0.07 nmol cm(-2) (as compared with 4 in solution); the accurac
y is not diminished. It is concluded that catalytic indicator reactions on
solid supports may represent high interest for analytical chemists. (C) 200
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