Aim, To study clinical and laboratory manifestations of acute viral hepatit
is C in parenteral drug addicts.
Materials and methods. Acute vir al hepatitis C (AVHC),vas diagnosed in 114
patients included in the trial by serological evidence and virus RNA deter
mination at polymerase chain reaction. Among the examinees there were 63 ad
dicts and 51 non-addicts.
Results, In addicts, AVHC manifests with pain in the liver, anorexia, moder
ate intoxication, hepatomegalia, abstinence syndrome. At admission most the
addicts had a moderate rise in bilirubin concentration with prolonged norm
alization. 25% of the addicts had ALT < 1400 micromol/l/h, its lowering was
slow. In convalescence, the addicts' liver long remained enlarged, concent
rations of ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GGT remained high.
Conclusion. VHC runs a moderate course parenteral drug addicts, shows polym
orphic symptomatologygy, hepatomegalia, high blood levels of ALT Convalesce
nce is long, hepatic functions recover slowly.