Background. A novel but controversial method to increase the utilization of
aged donor kidneys is the transplantation of both kidneys as a dual transp
lant. Initial single-center reports demonstrated outcomes similar to single
kidneys from younger donors. In this report, we compare outcome in recipie
nts of kidneys from donors greater than or equal to 54 years of age who rec
eived a single kidney transplant reported to the United Network for Organ S
haring Scientific Registry versus a dual kidney transplant reported to the
Dual Kidney Registry.
Methods. A retrospective analysis was performed, comparing four donor and n
ine recipient and outcome variables between recipients of a single versus a
dual transplant between March 1993 and March 1999.
Results. Dual versus single transplants from donors greater than or equal t
o 54 years of age have a significantly decreased incidence of delayed graft
function, and lower serum creatinines up to 2 years after transplant despi
te having kidneys from significantly older donors with poorer HLA matching.
Conclusions. Dual kidney transplants improve graft performance and outcome
in recipients of kidneys from donors greater than or equal to 54 years of a