Recent policy changes by federal land management agencies such as the Unite
d Slates Forest Service have led to increased use of silvicultural systems
other than clearcutting. Because soft mast is an integral part of wildlife
habitat and the effects of these alternative silviculture systems on soft m
ast production are unknown, we evaluated effects of different stand-level s
ilvicultural systems on soft mast production in the Ouachita Mountains of A
rkansas and Oklahoma. We evaluated differences in soft mast production and
coverage among 4 replications of 5 treatments (clearcut, shelterwood, group
selection, single-tree selection, and late-rotation, unharvested forest st
ands) during the first (1994), third (1996), and fifth (1998) years after i
nitial timber harvest. Coverage of all mast-producing plants combined did n
ot differ among treatments over all years. Soft mast production did not dif
fer among treatments the first year after timber harvest, but was greater i
n harvested stands than in unharvested stands in the third post-harvest yea
r. Production in shelterwood cuts and clearcuts was greater than in single-
tree selection, group selections, and unharvested stands the fifth post-har
vest year. Unharvested stands, greenbelts (unharvested buffers surrounding
stream drainages), and the thinned matrix of group-selection stands produce
d little mast in all years. A significant linear relationship between soft
mast production and residual overstory basal area was present in years 3 an
d 5. We present equations to predict soft mast production 3 and 5 years aft
er harvest when residual overstory basal areas are known. Without additiona
l stand treatments (e.g., thinning or burning), we expect production in eve
n-aged stands (clearcuts and shelterwood cuts) to decline as canopy closure
progresses; likewise, production in single-tree selection stands will like
ly decline due to midstory development.