To analyze the effect of the seat characteristics on dummy motions and huma
n volunteer motions, sled tests simulating low-speed rear impacts were cond
ucted with some seats which had different characteristics. Volunteer's cerv
ical vertebral motions were photographed with an X-ray cineradiographic sys
tem at a speed of 90 frames/s as well as the visible motions of dummy's and
volunteer's were recorded. Although the tests were conducted under limited
conditions, the results indicated the relationship between the occupant's
visible motions, which are assumed to be closely related to the whiplash in
jury mechanism, and seat characteristics. It should be noted that the volun
teer sled tests were discussed and approved by the Tsukuba University Ethic
s Committee and the volunteer submitted his informed consent in writing in
line with the Helsinki Declaration. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All righ
ts reserved.