A multidisciplinary program was designed to improve patient outcomes after
an acute coronary event. The primary objective of the program was that lipi
d-lowering therapy be prescribed at the time of discharge for acute myocard
ial infarction (AMI) and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PT
CA) patients. Secondary objectives for this program were (1) a baseline lip
id panel within the first 24 hours of admission and (2) documentation of di
scharge counseling for lipid-lowering therapy in the patient medical record
. Improvements were reported for all 3 objectives. For the primary indicato
r, lipid-lowering therapy prescribed at discharge, the baseline value incre
ased from 40% to 72-81%. The percentage of patients with a lipid panel with
in 24 hours of admission improved from a baseline of 13% to 38-71%. Overall
, 28-77% of patient records contained documentation of lipid-lowering medic
ation counseling after initiation of the program. This information should p
rovide the necessary benchmarking data to maintain competitiveness in the d
ynamic healthcare environment. Overall, this program provides high-quality,
cost-effective health care for the patient with established coronary arter
y disease. (C) 2000 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.