Background: Sentinel node (SN) biopsy may predict axillary status in breast
cancer. We retrospectively analyzed more than 500 SN cases, to suggest mor
e precise indications for the technique.
Methods: Tc-99m-labeled colloid was injected close to the tumor; lymphoscin
tigraphy was then performed to reveal the SN. The next day, during surgery,
the SN was removed by using a gamma probe. Complete axillary dissection fo
llowed, except in later cases recruited to a randomized trial. The SN was e
xamined intraoperatively by conventional frozen section, in later cases by
sampling the entire node and using immunocytochemistry.
Results: In the first series, the SN was identified in 98.7% of cases; in 6
.7%, the SN was negative but other axillary nodes were positive; in 32.1%,
the SN was negative by intraoperative frozen section but metastatic by defi
nitive histology, prompting introduction of the exhaustive method. In the r
andomized trial, the SN was identified in all cases so far, the false-negat
ive rate is approximately 6.5%, and in 15 cases, internal mammary chain nod
es were biopsied.
Conclusions: SN biopsy can reliably assess axillary status in selected pati
ents. The problems are the SN detection rate, false negatives, and the intr
aoperative examination, which can miss 30% of SN metastases. Our exhaustive
method overcomes the latter problem, but it is time consuming.