There are only 2 published cases of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AIO
N) occurring after neck dissection, to our knowledge. We report a case of b
ilateral AION following neck dissection, discuss the differential diagnoses
, and compare the features of this case with those of previously described
cases. There were none of the previously described risk factors for the dev
elopment of AION after head and neck surgery (eg, hypotension, facial edema
. or sudden massive hemorrhage) in this case, but there was prolonged diffu
se postoperative bleeding. Also, the symptoms did not arise before the fift
h postoperative day as they did in the other cases. Prolonged, mild postope
rative bleeding is a risk factor for AION, Visual loss during the entire fi
rst postoperative week has to be regarded as a complication of surgery, req
uires the exclusion of several differential diagnoses, and must not be conf
ounded with the patient's confusion or symptoms of withdrawal.