ABB's SVEA-96/100 fuel is the only fully proven 10x10 fuel in the industry
which have attained final burnup in reload quantities. The expected improve
ments are now seen in detailed inspections, Hot Cell Post-irradiation Exami
nations (PIEs) of high burnup 10x10 fuel, proving very low fission gas rele
ase; and PCI free operation Liner fuel mitigates the risk for PCI failures
during power ramp operation at higher bum-up. For protection against severe
degradation it is necessary to have a liner that is not only mitigating PC
I, but also has good corrosion properties, ABB has therefore developed the
Zr-Sn liner, which is the only fully operational proven concept against PCI
and long axial splits in the industry. Both steam tests of ABB's Zr-Sn lin
er and Rot Cell PIE of failed Zr-Sn liner fuel have confirmed a very low co
rrosion rate. To date, all the identified ABB 10x10 fuel failures have been
due to debris fretting, except one single event of four failed six cycles
fuel rods which were affected by ESSC (Enhanced Spacer Shadow Corrosion) du
ring 1996-97. ESSC is now effectively remedied, which leaves only debris fr
etting as primary failure cause on ABB 10x10 fuel. ABB has now a very good
understanding of the cause of primary failures and the generic fuel degrada
tion mechanisms. Based on this understanding, ABB has developed effective r
emedies both against debris fretting and fuel rod degradation. These remedi
es include fretting resistant cladding, mitigating of debris hom the primar
y system and fuel assemblies, operation guide lines for operation with a pr
imary leaker.