Two-photon fluorescence excitation has been found to be a very powerful met
hod for enhancing the sensitivity and resolution in far-field light microsc
opy. Two-photon fluorescence excitation also provides a substantially backg
round-free detection on the single-molecule level. It allows direct monitor
ing of formation of labelled biomolecule complexes in solution, Two-photon
excitation is created when, by focusing an intensive light source, the dens
ity of photons per unit volume and per unit time becomes high enough for tw
o photons to be absorbed into the same chromophore. In this case, the absor
bed energy is the sum of the energies of the two photons. In two-photon exc
itation, dye molecules are excited only when both photons are absorbed simu
ltaneously. The probability of absorption of two photons is equal to the pr
oduct of probability distributions of absorption of the single photons. The
emission of two photons is thus a quadratic process with respect to illumi
nation intensity, Thus in two-photon excitation, only the fluorescence that
is formed in the clearly restricted three-dimensional vicinity of the foca
l point is excited. We have developed an assay concept that is able to dist
inguish optically between the signal emitted from a microparticle in the fo
cal point of the laser beam, and the signal emitted from the surrounding fr
ee labelled reagent. Moreover, the free labels outside the focal volume do
not contribute any significant signal. This means that the assay is separat
ion-free,The method based on two-photon fluorescence excitation makes possi
ble fast single-step and separation-free immunoassays, for example, for who
le blood samples. Since the method allows a separation-free assay in very s
mall volumes, the method is very useful for high-throughput screening assay
s. Consequently we believe that two-photon fluorescence excitation will mak
e a remarkable impact as a research tool and a routine method in many field
s of analysis.