A method for the preparation of intact rat hepatocytes in high yield was fi
rst described in 1969. The procedure involved digestion of hepatic tissue b
y perfusion of the liver with crude collagenase; later, purified collagenas
e without other enzymic additions was shown to be ineffective. Recently it
has been discovered that the combination of purified collagenase plus elast
ase is superior to crude collagenase in that it consistently provides high
yields of undamaged hepatocytes. The isolated hepatocyte preparation has pr
oved particularly useful for the study of mechanisms responsible for long-r
ange interactions within the cell. These can be studied over prolonged time
courses and in the presence of graded concentrations of specific inhibitor
s. Studies of this kind have demonstrated a close relationship between cyto
plasmic metabolic hows and mitochondrial forces and have also revealed that
the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial free NAD-linked redox potentials are mai
ntained by energy-dependent reactions.