Single-molecule mechanical unfolding experiments have the potential to prov
ide insights into the details of protein folding pathways. To investigate t
he relationship between force-extension unfolding curves and microscopic ev
ents, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the mechanical unfoldi
ng of the C-terminal hairpin of protein G. We have studied the dependence o
f the unfolding pathway on pulling speed, cantilever stiffness, and attachm
ent points, Under conditions that generate low forces, the unfolding trajec
tory mimics the untethered, thermally accessible pathway previously propose
d based on high-temperature studies. In this stepwise pathway, complete bre
akdown of backbone hydrogen bonds precedes dissociation of the hydrophobic
cluster. Under more extreme conditions, the cluster and hydrogen bonds brea
k simultaneously. Transitions between folding intermediates can be identifi
ed in our simulations as features of the calculated force-extension curves.