Clostridium difficile is the most common nosocomial infection of the gastro
intestinal tract. Most cases are associated with antibiotic therapy that al
ters the fecal flora, allowing overgrowth of C difficile with production of
its toxins. Diagnosis is made by detection of the organism or toxin in the
stools. A variety of different tests can be used, but none is perfect. A s
tool culture can be positive in someone without diarrhea, ie, a carrier. Wh
ile the cytotoxin is the gold standard, it is expensive, and there is a del
ay before results are available. Thus, many laboratories use the enzyme lin
ked immunoassay tests to detect toxin of C difficile because they are a mor
e rapid screen. Depending on the specific test used, they can detect toxin
A, toxin B or occasionally both. Sensitivity and specificity rates vary. Fi
rst line therapy for C difficile disease should be metronidazole 250 mg qid
for 10 days. Vancomycin should be reserved for severe cases where metronid
azole has failed or where metronidazole cannot be tolerated or is contraind
icated. Recurrent C difficile disease is a particularly vexing clinical pro
blem. A variety of biotherapeutic approaches have been used. Retreatment wi
th antibiotics is almost always necessary. In addition, the nonpathogenic y
east Saccharomyces boulardii has been showed to be of benefit as an adjunct
in preventing further recurrences.