Introduction: The extremely rare but life-threatening hypercalcemic crisis
is caused by an exacerbation of a chronic hyperparathyroidism. The etiologi
c reasons for this exacerbation are conditions which increase the serum cal
cium level in addition to the hyperparathyroidism with a complete breakdown
of the calcium homeostasis, e.g, malignant turners, primary and tertiary h
yperparathyroidism, vitamin D poisoning or overdoses of calcium, vitamin D
and calcium-containing ionizer in patients with renal insufficiency. Method
s: We present the clinical course of five patients with an acute hypercalce
mic crisis and discuss the diagnostic procedure and the principles of surgi
cal treatment with regard to the current literature. Results: A hypercalcem
ic crisis develops if the total serum calcium concentration is over 4 mmol/
l and parathormone over 90 pmol/l. The resulting syndrome is manifested by
nausea and vomiting, polyuria and consecutive dehydration and hypotonia cul
minating in lethargy, hallucinations and coma. Hypercalcemia is the single
most important diagnostic finding. Conclusion: The emergency therapy predom
inantly consists on the one hand in rehydration and parallel stimulation of
diuresis. Urgent surgery is required if conservative therapy is not succes