Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of Clostr
idium difficile diarrhea (CDD) and the risk for CDD associated with differe
nt oral antibiotics commonly used in the ambulatory care setting.
Methods: The prevalence of CDD was determined for enrollees in 4 UnitedHeal
th Group-affiliated health plans between January 1, 1992, and December 31,
1994. Cases were identified based on the presence of an inpatient or outpat
ient claim with a primary diagnosis of diarrhea, a pharmacy claim for a pre
scription drug used to treat CDD, or a physician or facility claim for the
C difficile toxin test, and were confirmed using full-text medical records.
Within a retrospective cohort design, periods of risk for CDD were defined
on the basis of duration of antibiotic therapy. To control for potential s
election bias created by heterogeneous rates of C difficile testing and to
limit confounding due to multiple antibiotic exposures, we used a nested ca
se-control design, restricting eligibility to subjects who underwent screen
ing for C difficile and who had been exposed to only 1 antibiotic risk peri
od with a single antibiotic.
Results: The global prevalence of CDD in 358,389 ambulatory care enrollees
was 12 per 100,000 person-years. In the nested case-control study, after co
ntrolling for other risk factors, 2 antibiotics demonstrated an increased a
ssociation with CDD: cephalexin (odds ratio [OR] = 7.5, 95% CI = 1.8 to 34.
7) and cefixime (OR = 6.4, 95% CI = 1.2 to 39.0).
Conclusions: Although CDD is thought to occur primarily in hospitalized pat
ients, it was found to be present in an ambulatory care population, but at
a low frequency. In this population, it appeared to be associated with 2 ce
phalosporins but not with other types of antibiotics usually linked with no
socomial CDD. Because the frequency of C difficile testing was shown to be
more common with high-risk antibiotics, CDD may be underdiagnosed in the am
bulatory care setting.