Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae, a common pathogen leading to pneumoni
a, is a cause of morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed patients. Vacc
ination against this agent can be recommended for immunosuppressed patients
, including those with chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and renal
transplant recipients; however, a diminished immune response and loss of pr
otective antibodies have been observed.
Patients and methods: In our prospective study, the efficacy and side effec
ts of polyvalent pneumococcal vaccination were investigated in renal transp
lant recipients. A total of 21 patients (6 female, 15 male) with well-funct
ioning renal allografts, who had transplant surgery at least 2 months befor
e, were included in the study. The patients were stratified according to th
e immunosuppressive protocol and 8 received double, while 13 received tripl
e, immunosuppresive agents. After obtaining basal serum samples, all cases
were vaccinated with the 0.5 mt intramuscular administration of polyvalent
polysaccharide pneumococcal Vaccine (Pneumo 23 Pasteur-Merieux, lot No: K 1
Results: Following a mean of 6 wk in all patients and also a mean of 12 wk
in 12 patients, serum samples were again obtained to measure pneumococcal a
ntibodies. Antibody titers following 6 and 12 wk of vaccination were signif
icantly higher, as compared with basal values in all patients, except one.
These titers did not show any statistically significant difference between
double and triple therapies. There was no significant difference between th
e 12th and 6th wk postvaccination antibody titers. No systemic or local adv
erse effects were observed.
Conclusion: Pneumococcal vaccination is safe and effective in patients with
well-functioning renal allografts, at least in the short term. This vaccin
ation policy may be useful for preventing invasive pneumococcal disease in
immunosuppressed patients.