The main results proved in this paper are:
1. For any non-zero vector space VD over a division ring D, the ring R = En
d(V-D) is hopfian as a ring.
2. Let R be a reduced pi-regular ring and B(R) the boolean ring of idempote
nts of R. IIB(R) is hopfian so is R. The converse is not true even when R i
s strongly regular.
3. Let X be a completely regular space, C(X) (resp. CI(X)) the ring of real
valued (resp. bounded real valued) continuous functions on X. Let R be any
one of C(X) or C*(X). Then R is an exchange ring if and only if X is zero
dimensional in the sense of Katetov. For any infinite compact totally disco
nnected space X, C(X') is an exchange ring which is not von Neumann regular
4. Let R be a reduced commutative exchange ring. If R is hopfian so is the
polynomial ring R[T-1,...,T-n] in n commuting indeterminates over R, where
n is any integer greater than or equal to 1.
5. Let n be a reduced exchange ring. If R is hopfian so is the polynomial r
ing R[T].