A system for cardiac electrophysiology (EP) studies consisting of a Windows
software package, a standard 120 MHz Pentium PC with a high-performance vi
deo card and a data acquisition card has been developed during this study.
The system is capable of real time data acquisition and storage of 24 chann
els with simultaneous display of 1-16 arbitrarily chosen channels at a samp
ling rate of 500 Hz. It can be used clinically in electrophysiology studies
and during catheter radio-frequency ablation treatment for monitoring the
ablation and its effects. The built-in ablation monitoring capability enabl
es combined EP study and ablation treatment, thus helping to reduce exposur
e times and the total time needed per patient. For clinical use the softwar
e includes versatile tools for data analysis and reduction. Our system has
been developed in association with Department of Cardiology of Tampere Univ
ersity Hospital and has been in regular clinical use there. (C) 2000 Elsevi
er Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.