Effects of temperature of oil (160, 170 and 180 degrees C) and duration of
pre-drying (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 h) on the kinetics of moisture
removal and oil uptake, and quality of French fries were studied. Frying ti
mes at each combination of temperature and pre-drying duration were standar
dized on the basis of sensory characteristics of the product in the prelimi
nary trials. Results indicated that the rate of both moisture loss and oil
uptake were higher in the beginning followed by a decrease in the later sta
ges of frying. Mathematical models were developed to describe both the mois
ture removal and oil uptake by French fries. French fries prepared from pot
ato fingers blanched in water for 4 min at 85 degrees C and fried (without
pre-drying) at 180 degrees C were judged to be the most acceptable.