The identification of populations of Bruguiera sexangula, Bruguiera gymnorh
iza and their putative hybrids in the field is difficult using only morphol
ogical and phenological characters. Using a PCR based technique, RAPD (Rand
om Amplified Polymorphic DNA), the genetic variation of Bruguiera populatio
ns was studied from contrasting climatic and geographic regions along the s
outhwest coastal region of Sri Lanka. Out of 45 primers screened, 20 primer
s allowed us to observe polymorphism, not only between species (interspecif
ic) but also within the species (intraspecific). Analysis of RAPD data appe
ars to be helpful in determining the genetic relationship among populations
of B. gymnorhiza and B. sexangula. RAPD markers revealed that the two spec
ies are well separated without any hybrid position between the two taxa tho
ugh they occur in mixed stands. Although sampling sizes of populations of t
his study were small, genetic variation among B. gymnorhiza and B. sexangul
a populations could be observed. For B. sexangula, it was possible to diffe
rentiate each of the three populations, even when using a small number of p