We prove existence on infinite time intervals of regular solutions to the 3
D Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations for strong rotation (large Coriolis para
meter Omega). This uniform existence is proven for periodic or stress-free
boundary conditions for all domain aspect ratios, including the case of thr
ee wave resonances which yield nonlinear "2 1/2- dimensional" limit equatio
ns for Omega --> +infinity; smoothness assumptions are the same as for loca
l existence theorems. The global existence is proven using techniques of th
e Littlewood-Paley dyadic decomposition. Infinite time regularity for solut
ions of the 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations is obtained by bootstrappin
g from global regularity of the limit equations and convergence theorems. I
n generic cases, sharper regularity results are derived from the algebraic
geometry of resonant Poincare curves.