The present study characterizes a new polymeric ligand exchanger (PLE) for
enhanced separation of trace anionic ligands, and investigates related inte
rfacial chemistry. Compared to conventional anion exchangers, the PLE exhib
ited significantly different selectivity sequence and elution profiles, whi
ch may be utilized in enhancing selective capture of target solutes and/or
chromatographic separation of anionic ligands. Experimental data indicate t
hat the exchanger phase pH is significantly higher across the resin-solutio
n interface caused by the Donnan co-ion exclusion effect. Intraparticle dif
fusion appears to be the rate-limiting step during a typical fixed-bed colu
mn run. A linear free-energy relationship (LFER) was derived and experiment
ally validated between the binary separation factors and the aqueous phase
metal-ligand stability constants.