Rk. Sachs et al., Underprediction of visibly complex chromosome aberrations by a recombinational-repair ('one-hit') model, INT J RAD B, 76(2), 2000, pp. 129-148
Purpose: Published low-LET FISH data were used to test two models of chromo
some aberration production based on breakage-and-reunion or recombinational
Materials and methods: Randomness of DnTA double strand break induction and
misrejoining is analyzed comprehensively and adopted as a working hypothes
is. Proximity effects are approximated by using interaction sites. Model re
sults are calculated using CAS (chromosome aberration simulator) Monte Carl
o computer software with two adjustable parameters. CAS can emulate the spe
cifics of any experimental painting protocol, allowing very detailed tests
of the models.
Results: To reasonable approximation, breakage-and-reunion model prediction
s are consistent with low-LET FISH results. including two large, elaborate,
one-paint data sets. An explicitly specified version of the recombinationa
l-repair model severely underpredicts the frequency of the visibly complex
aberration patterns most commonly observed with one-paint FISH, and is inco
nsistent with some observed multi-paint patterns. When high-dose effects (d
istortion and saturation) are taken into account quantitatively a dose-resp
onse relation for apparently simple interchanges slightly favours the break
age-and-re union model over the recombinational-repair model, despite being
approximately linear over the dose range 2-6 Gy.
Conclusion: The random breakage-and-reunion model gives comprehensive basel
ine predictions that are sufficiently accurate for the organization of expe
rimental results. The data speak against complex aberrations being formed b
y the random recombinational repair pathway discussed here.