Tk. Nowling et al., Identification of the transactivation domain of the transcription factor Sox-2 and an associated co-activator, J BIOL CHEM, 275(6), 2000, pp. 3810-3818
The importance of interactions between Sox and POU transcription factors in
the regulation of gene expression is becoming increasingly apparent. Recen
tly, many examples of the involvement of Sox-POU partnerships in transcript
ion have been discovered, including a partnership between Sox-2 and Oct-3,
Little is known about the mechanisms by which these factors modulate transc
ription. To better understand the molecular interactions involved, we mappe
d the location of the transactivation domain of Sox-2. This was done in the
context of its interaction with Oct-3, as well as its ability to trans act
ivate as a fusion protein linked to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4. Both ap
proaches demonstrated that Sox-2 contains a transactivation domain in its C
-terminal half, containing a serine-rich region and the C-terminus. We also
determined that the viral oncoprotein Ela inhibits the ability of the Ga14
/Sox-2 fusion protein to transactivate, as well as the transcriptional acti
vation mediated by the combined action of Sox-a and Oct-3, In contrast, a m
utant form of E1a, unable to bind p300, lacks both of these effects. Import
antly, we determined that p300 overcomes the inhibitory effects of Ela in b
oth assays. Together, these findings suggest that Sox-2 mediates its effect
s, at least in part, through the co-activator p300.