Many matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are tightly bound to tissues; matrily
sin (MMP-7), although the smallest of the MMPs, is one of the most tightly
bound. The most likely docking molecules for MMP-7 are heparan sulfate prot
eoglycans on or around epithelial cells and in the underlying basement memb
rane. This is established by extraction experiments and confocal microscopy
, The enzyme is extracted from homogenates of postpartum rat uterus by hepa
rin/heparan sulfate and by heparinase III treatment. The enzyme is colocali
zed with heparan sulfate in the apical region of uterine glandular epitheli
al cells and can be released by heparinase digestion. Heparan sulfate and M
MP-7 are expressed at similar stages of the rat estrous cycle. The strength
of heparin binding by recombinant rat proMMP-7 was examined by affinity ch
romatography, affinity coelectrophoresis, and homogeneous enzyme-based bind
ing assay; the K-D, is 5-10 nM. Zymographic measurement of MMP-7 activity i
s greatly enhanced by heparin, Two putative heparin-binding peptides have b
een identified near the C- and N-terminal regions of proMMP-7; however, mol
ecular modeling suggests a more extensive binding track or cradle crossing
multiple peptide strands. Evidence is also found for the binding of MMP-2,
-9, and -13. Binding of MMP-7 and other MMPs to heparan sulfate in the extr
acellular space could prevent loss of secreted enzyme, provide a reservoir
of latent enzyme, and facilitate cellular sensing and regulation of enzyme
levels. Binding to the cell surface could position the enzyme for directed
proteolytic attack, for activation of or by other MMPs and for regulation o
f other cell surface proteins. Dislodging MMPs by treatment with compounds
such as heparin might be beneficial in attenuating excessive tissue breakdo
wn such as occurs in cancer metastasis, arthritis, and angiogenesis.