In lipoatrophic diabetes, a lack of fat is associated with insulin resistan
ce and hyperglycemia. This is in striking contrast to the usual association
of diabetes with obesity. To understand the underlying mechanisms, we tran
splanted adipose tissue into A-ZIP/F-1 mice, which have a severe form of li
poatrophic diabetes. Transplantation of wild-type fat reversed the hypergly
cemia, dramatically lowered insulin levels, and improved muscle insulin sen
sitivity, demonstrating that the diabetes in A-ZIP/F-1 mice is caused by th
e lack of adipose tissue. All aspects of the A-ZIP/F-1 phenotype including
hyperphagia, hepatic steatosis, and somatomegaly were either partially or c
ompletely reversed. However, the improvement in triglyceride and FFA levels
was modest. Donor fat taken from parametrial and subcutaneous sites was eq
ually effective in reversing the phenotype. The beneficial effects of trans
plantation were dose dependent and required near-physiological amounts of t
ransplanted fat. Transplantation of,genetically modified fat into A-ZIP/F-1
mice is a new and powerful technique for studying adipose physiology and t
he metabolic and endocrine communication between adipose tissue and the res
t of the body.