C. O'Neill et al., Explaining variations in prescribing costs: results from a comparison of nursing home patients with matched pairs living in the community, J CLIN PH T, 24(6), 1999, pp. 427-432
Objectives: To examine and explain variations in prescribing costs associat
ed with nursing home patients and patients matched by age and sex living in
the community.
Design: A la-month case control study. Subjects: All nursing home residents
over 65-years-old registered with nine general practices and patients matc
hed with them for age and sex living in the community.
Method: Multivariate regression analysis of variations in monthly GP prescr
ibing costs.
Results: Multivariate regression models explaining cost variations in terms
of the GP practice delivering care and patients' age and sex had little ex
planatory power (R(2) = 0.07 for nursing home patients, R(2) = 0.03 for mat
ched pairs). A fuller model for nursing home patients only, incorporating t
he patients Barthel score and initial diagnosis as additional explanatory v
ariables, added little to the explanatory power of the model (R(2) = 0.16).
Conclusion: The ability of the multivariate models used here to explain var
iations in prescribing costs among a group of elderly patients is poor. Adj
usting weighted capitation formulae With respect to older patients to take
account of such information or referring to it in negotiations on prescribi
ng budgets would not appear to be warranted.