After calculation on the fracture angles under various conditions of specif
ic surface energies with different symmetry operations of rotation, the com
plicated behavior of dependence of fractal dimension on the structure of cr
ystal is shown. It is found that the crack propagates along the weakest cry
stal plane no matter what the direction of the maximum stress is if the ani
sotropy is sufficiently strong; and then, the fractal dimension of the frac
tured surfaces might be determined by the approximate fractal structure alr
eady existed in the material. Specificity of the fractal dimension of fract
ured surfaces would be easy to appear in this case. Reversely, the crack pr
opagates along the direction of the maximum stress no matter what direction
of the weakest crystal plane is if the anisotropy is sufficiently weak. Un
iversality of the fractal dimension of fractured surfaces would be possible
to appear in this case. In many real materials, universality and specifici
ty of the materials are associated. The fractal dimension measured may more
or less be influenced by the structure of materials and it shows its unive
rsality through the specificity of materials.