With near infrared spectra of lake sediment samples, it is possible to pred
ict lake-water pH using a partial least squares (PLS) calibration model. Th
e calibration models have large model and prediction residuals and it is im
portant to understand the residuals. All the sediment samples were measured
on five different instruments. This allows the use of each of the five ins
truments as master with the other four as field instruments. When using mor
e than one near infrared instrument, prediction becomes unreliable unless c
alibration transfer is used, A number of techniques including Savitzky-Gola
y Transform (SGT), finite impulse response (FIR), piecewise direct standard
isation (PDS), orthogonal scatter correction (OSC) and wavelet transform (W
T) were compared. The quality of the predictions was expressed as root mean
square error of prediction (RMSEP), but the calibration transfer methods w
ere also compared on practical usefulness. In these data, the OSC filtering
worked best and gave adequate calibration transfer results.