A flow Simulation Applicator (FSA) was developed to create even-sheet overl
and flow of water into a vegetative filter strip. The FSA, constructed from
easily-obtained materials, is adaptable to various applications, portable,
easily calibrated and delivers reproducible flow, rates. Variability among
replications was quite small with Coefficient of Variability (CV) of less
than 1.5%. Water flowed as a sheet onto the test surface at application rat
es of 4 L min(-1) (1.1 gal) or greater. In initial field tests, the device
runs used to apply a 0.1 mg kg(-1) (0.1 PPM) atrazine solution to 1 x 5-m (
3.3 x 16.4-ft) sections of buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides Nutt. Engelm.)
sod at a rate equivalent to runoff occurring from a 30-m (98.4-ft) wide fi
eld directly upslope with a 5.1 cm (2 in) rain. The outflow atrazine concen
tration from the sad was reduced in the first 15 min, and then increased, s
tabilizing at 85% of the input concentration. With minor modifications, the
FSA can provide inflow for concentrated flow experiments.