Objectives: To determine which factors contribute to early complications wh
en intubated children show macroscopic lesions at extubation, Study Design:
Retrospective review of 96 consecutive medical records of children aged 1
day to 15 years. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the e
xtent of the subsequent treatment required: medical, reintubation, and surg
ical. Methods: Age, sex, clinical history, and macroscopic features of the
lesions were collected and data were compared in each group. Results: Under
lying noninfectious respiratory diseases and young age were found to be ris
k factors for higher incidence of complications, but not prolonged or multi
ple intubations. Edema, especially in the glottic area, was a risk factor f
or surgical treatment. Multiple lesions were risk factors for reintubation,
Conclusions: History of intubation, its cause, and lesions discovered at e
xtubation can provide the basis for definition of an "at risk" profile for
intubated children.