Advances in posttransplant immunosuppression have to the present not been a
ble to prevent the development of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in patie
nts given related or unrelated stem cell grafts for cure of hematologic dis
eases. Patients with GVHD not responding to first line therapy with cortico
steroids remain at high risk of death due to severe infections or organ fai
lure. Extracorporeal exposure of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to the
photosensitizing agent 8-methoxypsoralen and ultraviolet A radiation has be
en shown to be effective in treatment of selected T-cell mediated diseases,
including cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and rejection after organ transplantat
ion. Extracorporeal photochemotherapy (ECP) is also a safe and efficacious
adjunct therapy for both acute and chronic extensive GVHD with skin and vis
ceral involvement and resistance to conventional immunosuppressive therapy.
A multicenter randomized study should help define the impact of ECP in the
treatment of GVHD and overall survival of these patients.