Therapy for transplant rejection, autoimmune disease and allergy must targe
t mature lymphocytes that have escaped censoring during their development.
FK506 and cyclosporin are immunosuppressants which block three antigen-rece
ptor signalling pathways (NFAT, NF kappa B and JNK), through inhibition of
calcineurin(1), and inhibit mature lymphocyte proliferation to antigen(2-4)
Neither drug induces long-lived tolerance in vivo, however, necessitating
chronic use with adverse side effects. Physiological mechanisms of peripher
al tolerance to self-antigens provide an opportunity to emulate these proce
sses pharmacologically. Here we use gene-expression arrays to provide a mol
ecular explanation for the loss of mitogenic response in peripheral B-cell
anergy, one aspect of immunological tolerance(5). Self-antigen induces a se
t of genes that includes negative regulators of signalling and transcriptio
n but not genes that promote proliferation. FK506 interferes with calcium-d
ependent components of the tolerance response and blocks an unexpectedly sm
all fraction of the activation response. Many genes that were not previousl
y connected to self-tolerance are revealed, and our findings provide a mole
cular fingerprint for the development of improved immunosuppressants that p
revent lymphocyte activation without blocking peripheral tolerance.