A classic problem in Search Theory is one in which a searcher allocates res
ources to the points of the integer interval [1, n] in an attempt to find a
n object which has been hidden in them using a known probability function.
In this paper we consider a modification of this problem in which there is
a protector who can also allocate resources to the points; allocating these
resources makes it more difficult for the searcher to find an object. We m
odel the situation as a two-person non-zero-sum game so that we can take in
to account the fact that using resources can be costly. It is shown that th
is game has a unique Nash equilibrium when the searcher's probability of fi
nding an object located at point i is of the form (1 - exp(-lambda(i)x(i)))
exp(-mu(i)y(i)) when the starcher and protector allocate resources x(i) an
d y(i) respectively to point i. An algorithm to find this Nash equilibrium
is given. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.