Aims. To illustrate the means by which health state preferences, which are
required in the calculation of QALYs, may be generated. To elicit health st
ate values from a sample of New Zealand health professionals, and to compar
e these with those evident from a sample of health professionals and of the
general population overseas.
Methods. This research employed a questionnaire (EQ-5D) developed by the Eu
roQol group which elicits preferences for health states described in terms
of three levels within each of five dimensions of health-related quality of
life. This questionnaire was administered to groups of students enrolled i
n a postgraduate Diploma of Public Health course in Auckland (1993-1995), W
ellington and Dunedin (1993-1998), and Christchurch (1993-1997).
Results. The health state preferences for the New Zealand sample are simila
r to those evident for samples of health professionals in Sweden and, to a
lesser extent, those evident from a sample of the English general public.
Conclusions. The EQ-5D represents a means of readily eliciting health state
preferences in the form required to facilitate cost utility analysis. Furt
her research is required in New Zealand to generate a "tariff" of health st
ate preferences from the general public across all health states and to exp
lore hypotheses specific to New Zealand, including the possibility that the
re may be significant differences between Maori and non-Maori with regards
to health state preferences.