Many animal-pollinated species experience low visitation rates and, in some
cases, stand on the brink of extinction because they are poorly fertilized
. Among these plants, some are deceptive species (flowering plants that do
not offer any reward to their pollinators). A learning process that pollina
tors undergo determines visitation rate in those food frauds that do not mi
mic rewarding models. Pollinators that visit cheating species avoid them af
ter having experienced the absence of reward a few times and then visit rew
arding plants. We modeled this learning process, using classical optimal fo
raging and game theory tools, and applied our model to survey how visitatio
n rate can be adjusted in deceptive species in a density-dependent way and
how it can influence the population dynamics of those species. We found pol
linator behavior to induce positive density dependence at low density (Alle
e effect) and therefore to create a threshold density under which populatio
n survival is not possible. Moreover, negative density dependence occurs at
high density so that in most cases pollination limitation creates a stable
demographic equilibrium. Stochastic simulations were performed to investig
ate the stability of populations at these equilibria and estimate their mea
n time to extinction. Because some parameters such as pollinator density or
habitat fragmentation were explicitly taken into account, we tried to desc
ribe environmental conditions conducive to a deceptive plant's survival.