Objective. To assess the usefulness of laboratory parameters, including per
ipheral white blood cell (WBC) count, C-reactive protein (CRP) concentratio
n, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and microscopic urinalysis (UA), f
or identifying febrile infants younger than 8 weeks of age at risk for urin
ary tract infection (UTI), and comparison of standard UA and hemocytometer
WBC counts for predicting the presence of UTI.
Methods. A total of 162 febrile children <8 weeks of age were enrolled in t
his prospective study. All underwent clinical evaluation and laboratory inv
estigation, including WBC count and differential; ESR; CRP; blood culture;
a lumbar puncture for cell count and differential, glucose level, protein l
evel, Gram stain, and culture; and a UA and urine culture. All urine specim
ens were obtained by suprapubic aspiration and microscopically analyzed wit
h standard UA as well as with hemocytometer WBC counts. Quantitative urine
cultures were performed. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, likelihood rat
ios, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were determined for
each of the screening tests.
Results. There were 22 positive urine culture results of at least 100 colon
y-forming unit/mL. Eighteen of these 22 patients were males, and all were u
ncircumcised. There were significant differences for pyuria greater than or
equal to 5 WBCs/ hpf, pyuria greater than or equal to 10 WBC/mu L, CRP >20
mg/L, and ESR >30 mm/hour between culture-positive and culture-negative gr
oups (P < .05). The ROC area for hemocytometer WBC count, standard UA, peri
pheral WBC count, ESR, and CRP concentration were .909 +/- .045, .791 +/- .
065, .544 +/- .074, .787 +/- .060, and .822 +/- .036, respectively. The ROC
curve analysis indicates that the CRP, ESR, and standard UA were powerful
but imperfect tools with which to discriminate for UTI in potentially infec
ted neonates. Hemocytometer WBC counts had the highest sensitivity, specifi
city, accuracy, and likelihood ratios for identifying very young infants wi
th positive urine culture results. For all assessments, hemocytometer WBC c
ounts were significantly different, compared with the standard urinalysis.
ESR, CRP, and peripheral WBC counts were not helpful in identifying UTI in
febrile infants.
Conclusion. UTI had a prevalence of 13.6% in febrile infants <8 weeks of ag
e. The CRP, ESR, and standard UA were imperfect tools in discriminating for
UTI, and the sensitivity of these laboratory parameters was relatively low
. Hemocytometer WBC count was a significantly better predictor of UTI in fe
brile infants.