Using constant-temperature molecular dynamics simulations, we have investig
ated the effect of an alternating uniaxial external stress on vacancy migra
tion in a fcc argon crystal in which the atoms interact with each other thr
ough a 12-6 Lennard-Jones potential. The crystal is confined between two sm
ooth walls which interact with the atoms through a similar Lennard-Jones po
tential, and an alternating stress field is exerted by moving both the wall
s inwards (compressive) and outwards (expansive) sinusoidally with a freque
ncy of 93 MHz. In the other two directions periodic boundary conditions are
used. The amplitude of the sinusoidal wall movement along the [100] axis c
orresponds to a strain of 0.0138 and a stress of about 15 MPa. At this smal
l strain amplitude, the vacancy jump frequency, when averaged over a full s
tress cycle, has a value similar to that in the bulk unstressed crystal. Ho
wever, the vacancy jump frequency is higher with a larger proportion of jum
ps being in planes normal to the stress axis, during the expansive half-cyc
le than during the compressive half cycle. Thus, the jump behaviour is anis
otropic under stress, and this anisotropy is opposite for the two half-cycl