A rather strong and unusual temperature and frequency dependence of the pro
ton spin-lattice relaxation time T-1 has been observed in a Rb3H(SO4)(2) Si
ngle crystal in the temperature interval between 300 and 10 K. Below 10 K t
he proton TI becomes temperature independent but still exhibits a rather st
rong Larmor frequency dependence. At higher temperatures the spin-lattice r
elaxatian is determined by a modulation of the Rb-proton and/or proton-prot
on dipolar coupling due to thermally activated jumping of the proton betwee
n the two equilibrium sites in the H bond whereas at low temperatures phono
n-assisted proton incoherent tunneling takes over. The results thus show th
at the double-minimum potential of the H bond in Rb3H(SO4)(2) is locally as
ymmetric in the temperature range investigated. There is no evidence for a
change from a double to a single minimum type H-bond potential down to 4 K.