The carbon analyzing power for polarized protons has been experimentally st
udied for momenta of 1.36, 1.60, 1.78, and 2.02 GeV/c and for scatterer thi
cknesses of 4.9, 19.4, and 36.5 g/cm(2). This analyzing power has been show
n to be independent of the carbon thickness in the range 19-36 g/cm2. The r
esults for carbon thicknesses of 19.4 and 36.5 g/cm(2), combined with those
of Saclay experiments, have been used to fit data obtained for various mom
enta and scattering angles. The polarization of protons in quasielastic sca
ttering on carbon at an angle of 10.5 degrees has been measured. The experi
ments have been performed at the accelerator installed at the Institute of
Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP, Moscow).