We estimate the wind speeds in Titan's thermosphere by considering the vari
ous terms of the wind equation, without actually solving it, with a view to
anticipating what might be observed by the Cassini spacecraft in 2004. The
winds, which are driven by horizontal pressure gradients produced by solar
heating, are controlled in the Earth's thermosphere by ion-drag and coriol
is force, but in Titan's thermosphere they are mainly controlled by the non
linear advection and curvature forces. Assuming a day-night temperature dif
ference of 20 K, we find that Titan's thermospheric wind speed is typically
60 m s(-1). In contrast, the Earth's thermospheric winds, of order 50 m s(
-1), do not equalize day and night temperatures. We speculate on other fact
ors, such as the electrodynamics of Titan's thermosphere and the tides due
to Saturn. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.