Corrective otoplasty is a commonly performed procedure to change the shape
of the auricular cartilage. Many techniques use permanent sutures to mainta
in the cartilage folding, whereas other techniques rely on cartilage incisi
ons (partial thickness or full thickness). At this in stitution, a cartilag
e cutting and anterior scoring technique has been used for more than 30 yea
rs with pleasing results. The surgical techniques published in the past hav
e been reviewed and compared with the procedure used at this institution to
point out the advantages, disadvantages, and differences of these various
techniques. Also reviewed were 500 consecutive cases operated on under loca
l or general anesthesia between January of 1993 and December of 1995 to det
ermine the incidence of early and late complications. The patients were con
tacted by mail to return for a follow-up examination or answer a questionna
ire, at least 2 years after the procedure. Early complications were bleedin
g in 13 cases (2.6 percent) and hematoma in 2 cases (0.4 percent). There we
re no infections or ear necrosis. A small cutaneous wound was present on th
e anterior skin in three patients (0.6 percent), and there was one wound de
hiscence (0.2 percent). Late complications were keloids in two cases and in
clusion cysts in three cases. Residual deformity was noted in 22 cases and
asymmetry in 28 cases. Secondary surgery was performed in six cases. The qu
estionnaire was answered by 387 patients (77.4 percent response rate): pain
when the ear is touched was present in 22 cases (5.7 percent), hypesthesia
in 15 cases (3.9 percent), occasional cutaneous irritation in 38 cases (9.
8 percent), asymmetry in 71 cases (18.4 percent), and abnormal ear shape in
17 cases (4.4 percent). Twenty-nine patients (7.5 percent) also noted that
the ear was more sensitive to cold or touch. The satisfaction rate was 94.
8 percent: very satisfied, 74 percent; satisfied, 20.8 percent; dissatisfie
d, 4.2 percent; and very dissatisfied, 1 per cent. These results were compa
red with other published series of complications and late results after oto
plasty; the complication rates are similar or lower in this study. Therefor
e, it can be concluded that the cartilage cutting and anterior scoring tech
nique otoplasty is a safe procedure with a high patient-parent-surgeon sati
sfaction rate.