The extraction of zinc(II) from acidic chloride media with a mixture of ACO
RGA(R) ZNX 50 (a bibenzimidazole-based extractant denoted hereafter B) and
LIX(R) 54 (a beta-diketone denoted hereafter HL) was investigated. A releva
nt feature of this system is that zinc(II) is extracted from aqueous acidic
solutions merely as a chlorocomplex with ACORGA(R) ZNX 50, namely Zn2Cl4B2
[i.e., LIX(R) 54 does not contribute to zinc extraction], but that the lat
ter complex is destroyed with concomitant formation of ZnL2 in the bulk of
the organic phase [i.e., a complex formed with LIX(R) 54] and transfer of c
hloride ions into the aqueous phase when the organic phase is scrubbed with
an aqueous solution of ammonia. Finally, zinc(II) can be stripped from the
scrubbed organic phase with sulphuric acid, which gives an classical acidi
c zinc sulphate solution. The interest of such a procedure is that the seri
es of extraction, scrubbing and stripping steps allows not only the purific
ation and concentration of zinc(II), but chiefly its transfer from a chlori
de media from which its electrowinning is problematic (formation of granule
s instead of sheets at the cathode) into a sulphate media from which the el
ectrowinning is perfectly controlled.