Choriocarcinoma has been reported in association with endometrial carcinoma
and as a metaplastic change in multiple carcinomas, including liver, urina
ry bladder, lung, and the gastrointestinal tract. We report choriocarcinoma
in conjunction with a carcinosarcoma (also called malignant mullerian mixe
d tumor) in a 71-year-old woman whose hysterectomy specimen revealed two po
lypoid lesions of the endometrium, one arising from the anterior endometriu
m and one arising from the posterior endometrium. Histologic examination re
vealed three histologic patterns. The anterior endometrial lesion showed a
FIGO grade 2 endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma. The posterior endomet
rial lesion showed a carcinosarcoma composed of a high-grade adenocarcinoma
and scant homologous stromal sarcoma. In addition, a choriocarcinoma was i
dentified intermixed with the adenocarcinoma. The synctiocytotrophoblasts a
nd cytotrophoblasts stained strongly with beta human chorionic gonadotropin
(beta-hCG) and human placental lactogen (hPL). The patient's beta-hCG leve
ls on postoperative days 14, 27, and 42 were 283, 32, and 7 mIU/mL, respect
ively. This unusual case suggests the importance of identifying the chorioc
arcinomatous component, since the serum beta-hCG can serve as a marker of t
umor recurrence postoperatively.